The most complete Expansion Kit for your Arduino Boards

The universe of Arduino sensors and modules is becoming more and more sophisticated, and it's often difficult to understand what to buy for your boards.
For this reason, we have designed the most complete and simple platform to empower your Arduino.

Discover the new Arduino Sensor Kit 

The Arduino Sensor Kit is the result of the best Sensors and Modules you can find in the market, assembled together in a unique set. It has been built with the purpose of extending the capabilities of your boards, and to open them to a new universe of possibilities.

The first official Kit of Sensors & Modules. All connected together. 

The Kit is complete and guides you through step by step. No prior knowledge or experience required, as everything is clearly explained. Plus, all the modules are connected to the same PCB. The result? No additional wiring is needed, and you can decide to use the set as a single piece.

Plug, sketch and play with ease







Connect the Base Shield to your Arduino UNO Rev3. The Shield is specifically designed to fit on top the board. 

Start playing with the Sensors! 10 of the best Grove Modules are connected to the same PCB, no wiring & soldering needed.

Access to the Online Platform, including 10 lessons with step-by-step tutorials to learn and play with each module.

Discover the dedicated online platform

The Hardware alone sometimes is not enough. In order to let you discover the full potential of the Kit, we have designed an Online Platform containing all the instructions required to plug, sketch and play with all the different Grove Modules. 

Each Module with a specific lesson. Follow the instructions and build your projects

  1. The LED - simple LED that can be turned ON or OFF, or dimmed.
  2. The button - pushbutton that can be in different states.
  3. The potentiometer - a variable resistor that increases or decreases resistance when turning its knob.
  4. The buzzer - a piezo speaker that is used to produced binary sounds.
  5. The light sensor - a photoresistor that reads light intensity.
  6. The sound sensor - a tiny microphone that measures sound vibrations.
  7. The air pressure sensor - reads air pressure, using I2C protocol.
  8. The temperature sensor - reads temperature and humidity at the same time.
  9. The accelerometer - a sensor used for orientation, used for detecting movement.
  10. The OLED screen - a screen that values or messages can be printed to.

The Arduino Sensor Kit is now Available in two versions:

Arduino Sensor Kit - Base

Arduino Sensor Kit - Bundle


$51.50       $47.87

The Base Kit, ideal if you already have the Arduino Uno Rev3 board.

The Bundle Kit, featuring the Arduino Sensor Kit Base + the Arduino Uno Rev3. At a special price.

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